ARCHIVED Strangeness — for investigation
Quick note from Mason.
We’re keeping this here for archival and future investigation. This is a copy of the strange audio and text that appeared in our RSS feed at 10:53 Eastern time on February 22, 2023.
Here it is…
There are lots of people speculating about it on our Discord… so much so that we had to create an entire speculation channel just to keep the noise out of other conversations.
It was even strange enough to garner some tweets and other outside attention.
Screenshot of the first tweet notifying us…
Honestly, Perry and I haven’t had time to do any research around it. Removing it from our podcast feed so that it’s not cluttering it up and causing further confusion. But — for reference — here’s what appeared.
The show title was in some sort of strange cryptic font which seems to say, “THE CLOCK IS TICKING.” This was accompanied by an episode image of a QR code. Listeners report that the code takes them to a similarly cryptic page. And, where the show notes would normally appear, there was some other kind of gibberish or (maybe) a code.
Screenshot of the episode as it appeared on Spotify.
For those interested, the text was simply…
.. / -. . . -.. / - --- / ... .... --- .-- / -.-- --- ..- / ... --- -- . - .... .. -. --. .-.-.- / -.- . . .--. / -.-- --- ..- .-. / . -.-- . ... / --- .--. . -. .-.-.- / -.-. .... . -.-. -.- / . ...- . .-. -.-- - .... .. -. --. .-.-.- / -.. --- -. .----. - / -.. .. ... .-. . --. .- .-. -.. / .- -. -.-- - .... .. -. --. .-.-.-
There also seems to be something strange going on with the audio itself. Not sure what that’s all about.
Anyway… I gotta get back to editing. If anyone has ideas, feel free to chat about it in the #speculation channel of our Discord. Hopefully a few of you can help us get to the bottom of this whole thing.